Zekiel Dhante

The Best Redmage of his time.

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Homeless, Orphaned.. lost without guidence.. this Miqo'te grew up without a family living under a bridge in Gridania. Many days became months.. months became years.. watching other kids grow up with families.. seemingly happy and carefree. In Zekiel's time, he learned how to cast spells while watching adventurers.. learning how to control Aether.. and picking up swordfighting skills, learning and improving upon his skills for both swordfighting and casting. Then one day, he read about Redmagic.. he became infatuated, studying any book he could get his hands on, studying White and Black magic intensely.. it was his calling.. or.. was it just a way for him to dull his emptiness.. upon finishing his studies and becoming a fully fledged Redmage, he declared himself 'The BEST Redmage' to become more appealing to others... Turns out bragging didnt make you too appealing.. but, Zekiel did meet someone.. they became best friends.. and that lead to more friends.. and that lead to having a family.. his friends were his new family.. and he vowed to stay alive for them.. and protect them with all of his life."I promise that I will keep you all alive.. no matter what... but I will always stay alive for all of you. I shall live, and die by this."

Physical Descriptions!~

Name: Zekiel Dhante
Age: 25
Race: Miqo'te
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Male
Job: Redmage/Spellblade housewife
Personality: Cynical Pessimistic Optimist, will try to see the better part of things.. but blames himself for a lot of things.. as his upbringing made him bad at social cues and using the right emotions at the right time. Although, regardless of the negitivity, he always tries his best to make up for it, tries his best to be better, and tries his best to always be there for everyone.
Appearance: Always dressed in some sort of flashy outfit as it is an occupational hazard of Redmagery. Always dressed in red, with black hair and red tips, he has one functional eye and scarring on his face. Noticably he has a Rapier that he channels his aether through making it glow and swirl.. showing his skill as a Redmage. Zekiel lost his arm to a curse, resulting in a prosthetic (allag/magitek) on his right arm.

Character Hooks~

Loving and Caring

Will do most anything to keep his friends safe, he loves them with an undying degree, and will stay alive to keep seeing them alive through all the danger, and pain the world brings

Pros-thetic arm!

After the curse worsened, he had his right arm cut off... stopping the curse in its tracks. After a few days of surgery, bed rest, and a few days, one of his closest friends went out and procured him a allagan magitek prosthetic on his right arm.

Trying his hardest

Zekiel isn't the greatest at social cues.. nor being in proper control of his own emotions as he had no parental figures or guidence in his life.. so he is playing things by the book, and will try as hard as he possibly can to fix his mistakes or failures..

The BEST Redmage

Exceedingly powerful Redmage he often boasts about how he is so good at his skills as a Redmage, even if he still has learning to do, he has cooked up some nice spells and learned how to bend the casting of Redmagery to its limits.. along with being exceptionally well versed with it.

About the Player

Hey~ this is my segment!
Hello, I'm Siiva and I own Zekiel Dhante.
I am 19 years of age.
Yes, I am a Furry, Do I care if you hate me?
No. I really don't.
I'm not usually the fastest typer.. nor the best with wordplay, but I have been roleplaying for the latter half of 6 years now. So I have learned to match text styles, something to do note if you roleplay with me, I don't typically write paragraphs if I deem in unneeded, like if descriptors stay the same, or if I have nothing really much more to add, I will create shorter posts. Do bear in mind that I do get distracted easily, when I see something interesting to me, my attention jumps to it for a little while.. then comes back.. a whole heck of a lot... also I do curse often haha-
I do both RP and 'Epic Raid Progression'
But I do hope we can have fun roleplaying as I like doing it for fun, so light hearted fun and such is great!~ <3

Thats all folks!~

Thank you for reading this, and I hope we could RP~Ask anything on my Discord, or Ingame.

Discord: siivavolte

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